英國航空branded fares現已盡在Worldspan
British Airways branded fares now available on Worldspan


英國航空公司(英航)現已透過Travelport Smartpoint 向旅行代理提供增強版內容。搜尋及銷售World Traveller、World Traveller Plus、Club World 及頭等機艙客位等英航品牌票價,變得前所未有般容易。
Travelport Smartpoint 使您能夠:
  • 瀏覽英航所有票價相關的圖片及產品描述
  • 直接在可選票價頁面中,在同一畫面並排比較品牌票價
  • 查看各種票價分別包括哪些自選增值服務,例如行李托運、專用登機及貴賓候機室服務等,協助您進行追加銷售的商機,能促使客户作出進一步消費的機會

Travelport一直致力吸納世界頂級航空公司合作,包括加拿大航空、新西蘭航空、國泰航空、達美航空、西班牙國家航空、漢莎航空、新加坡航空及南非航空。這些航空公司現已透過Travelport Smartpoint提供品牌票價及自選增值服務,協助您為顧客提供最明智的旅遊選擇,同時配合您的工作流程。

按此處查看超過150間網絡航空公司及廉價航空公司,透過Travelport Smartpoint提供的完整品牌票價及自選增值服務資訊。


British Airways (BA) now offers travel agents access to its enhanced content through Travelport Smartpoint. You can search and sell British Airways branded fares, including World Traveller, World Traveller Plus, Club World and First cabins more easily than ever before.
Travelport Smartpoint allows you to:
  • See pictures and product descriptions related to all British Airways fares
  • Compare branded fares side by side on one screen, directly from availability
  • Know what extras, like checked baggage, dedicated check-in and lounge access are included within each fare, helping upsell opportunities

At Travelport, we continue to attract the world's top airlines, including Air Canada, Air New Zealand, Cathay Pacific, Delta Air Lines, Iberia, Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines and South African Airways. They now all distribute their branded fares and ancillaries through Travelport Smartpoint, helping you provide the perfect travel choice for your customers, all without leaving your workflow.

Click here to see a comprehensive list of over 150 network airlines and low cost carriers offering branded fares and ancillaries through Travelport Smartpoint.

Call us to discover the best technology & financial package in the market!

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        King   - king.leung@tictas.com       Carl  - carl.chan@tictas.com        
Jacky - jacky.chan@tictas.com                                                         

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